Monday, December 14, 2009

When to Buy Items on the Exchange in RuneScape

Here's a very good question...

There have been a lot of questions in the past about when you should update your offers and how...

The simple answer is as soon as the GE database updates, because if you are queued for minimum, middle or maximum price you are obviously first in line.

Imagine if you will a system update, lets call it a prayer update for arguments sake and you are taking your time reading the documentation and take 30 minutes to get back to your game, if 50,000 people are already in the game then at least 30% of those have already scanned the important information and will have gotten their offers in.

Take prayer for instance, whenever there is an update requiring prayer you can almost be sure dragon bones will rise at least 5-10% so make sure you get them first.

If smithing is getting the treatment, gold ores will go up since it is again the fastest way to train.

Construction = oak planks (and maybe the occasional nail)

Slayer = black mask tends to jump up 10% (non charged only)

Herblore = water filled vials = a 20-50% rise (though with shop update this has less of an impact probably)

Crafting = green dragonhide if higher level, and to a lesser extent other colours

High level ranging = red chinchompa

Every single skill has its corresponding super training item that everyone descends upon, all you need to do is be ready and know what they are.

There have been rumours afoot lately of an upcoming smithing update, will you spend 4 hours asking everyone whether to buy gold ores cheap, waste your time and miss out or will you be one of the first to log back into the server and make a lot of money?

This goes for natural GE updates too, if you do some research and recognise what is going to be good the day after to buy without hardly looking you will have a distinct advantage. When I am choosing items to trade I will generally look 1-2 days in the future, I know what price they are likely to hit so can simply run into the Grand Exchange and make a lot of money due to being there first.

Make a list of your commonly traded items and bookmark them in your favourite browser, when update comes along all you need do then is load them all up and see what has risen and fallen. Simples.

Anyways, on that note I have just noticed that both gold ore and red chinchompa are nicely underpriced and should be due a rise sometime...Chinchompa being at its lowest point for 3 and a half months and gold ore being at a low it hasn't seen for months, possibly years.

Take a look, you know you want to lol

Red Chinchompa

Gold ore

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Maximizing Your Profits in FishVille

Profits In FishVille

When you're playing FishVille, there are a lot of ways to enjoy yourself. Even just watching the colorful fish you've raised and nurtured swim around can be a great reward for all the hard work you put into assembling your tank. You may not be in it for the money, and you might not even aspire to any form of aquatic domination. But even so, you'd be wise to pay attention to your profits in FishVille. Any time you sell a fish, you make more than you sold it for, but the size of that profit will vary considerably depending on the kinds of fish you wind up raising and when you decide to sell them.

Return On Investment

One way to make sure you're maximizing your profits in FishVille is to choose the fish you raise based on how much of a return you get on your initial investment when you sell them. This isn't always immediately obvious because, even though you may get a big chunk of change when you sell a particular fish, it may not actually be that much more than you paid for it to begin with.

In general, the higher the level that you need to achieve to unlock the fish, the greater the profits you'll get by selling it. This is not always the case, however, so it's important to evaluate the profitability of each fish as you unlock it and not simply assume that a new option is better than some of the others you've been using.

Earnings Per Hour

Another factor that you need to take into account when you're trying to increase your profits in FishVille is how much each fish will actually make you per hour that it spends in your tank. Again, it's important not to be fooled by fish that give you big chunks of coins when you finally sell them. If you're raising a type of fish that takes a long time to grow, you may actually be able to make more coins in the same amount of time by raising a fish that sells for less but that has a much quicker turn around time.

Time to Sell

But really, the most important way to make sure that you're maximizing your profits in FishVille is to wait until your fish are completely mature before you sell them. It can often be tempting to sell fish as soon as you can so that you can start raising new ones and because you want the coins now. But by waiting until your fish have reached their maximum value, you really cut down on the amount of profit you're able to collect from each one.

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Future of Land Based Bingo Halls Vs Online Bingo

The land based Bingo halls in the UK and United States used to draw huge crowds once upon a time. Their business had remained stable for quite a few decades but slowly signs of wear and tear are showing and cracks are beginning to form. With every passing year the average footfall is keeping on decreasing. One of the main reasons for the demise of such a glorious business in the UK is the recently passed court order banning smoking inside the halls. After this order there was a sudden drop in the number of visitors to the major halls. In the United States whichever State has passed a ban on smoking has seen a significant decrease in business in the bingo halls.

The smoking ban passed in UK was applicable to the whole nation as such and thus it affected every bingo hall in the country equally. But in the US as all the states have their own federal system and bans are passed by them individually it gets difficult for the experts to judge the effect of the ban on a nationwide basis. There are some states in the US which remains a bit lenient on private organizations and certain businesses and exempts them from the ban while there are some states which pass a blanket ban on smoking.

In the UK the Rank Group, one of the largest operators of bingo halls, issued a release saying they had been severely affected by recent changes made to the retail business, so mush so that they had incurred a 19% drop in revenue in the UK and a 22% drop in Wales and England. In the United States smoking bans have given the traditional bingo halls a severe beating. In Ohio, which recently passed a blanket smoking ban there has been a significant decline in revenue in the halls and many charitable institutions have been forced to drop this game from their itinerary.

Even though the administration meant well but the law has had severe consequences for the charitable organizations in USA. Earlier these organizations used to hold bingo games and raise funds through them for various people like the churches and veteran groups. But now they must look at an alternative source of raising funds. The ban on smoking was meant for public health and safety but it has had some negative impact for various organizations and businesses.

Online Bingo drove the final nail in the coffin for land based bingo halls. This version has gained so much popularity in the UK and US that people have almost forgotten about the land based bingo halls. People can smoke while playing from their own home and the jackpot money offered is huge. Most of the websites are designed in a user friendly manner and the online version brings in some dynamic changes which is not possible for physical bingo games. All these effects have cumulatively made online bingo popular among all ages. Most of the operators of the sites are owned by trading companies and the game is played with honesty and transparency which was not possible for physical bingo.

Thus according to experts the major cause for the loss of popularity of the land based halls was the smoking ban and the final nail was hammered down by the huge popularity of online bingo.

Our aim is to provide the UK bingo market with all the latest, news, reviews, gossip & insights on online bingo including sites such as foxy bingo and think bingo

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FarmVille Secrets

Anyone who spends any period of time on FarmVille knows how many chances there are to post announcements to your profile. Any small accomplishment in the game will prompt you to announce your progress to all of your friends. It's easy to see how this can fast become annoying, both to friends who play the game and to those that do not.

However, there are times when it's important to post announcements to your wall in order to help out fellow players. Only posting the helpful messages also will make it easier for your friends who are playing to find the bonuses you're trying to share with them. But which messages should you post? It's actually easier to figure out than you may think.

Sharing the Wealth

There are several times when you'll be asked if you'd like to Share the Wealth. You'll typically get this type of message when you earn a ribbon, although there are some other occasions as well. Any time you get this message though, you'll want to post to your wall and your friends' profiles. That's because your friends will only be able to get the bonus celebrating your ribbon if they can see it and click on the link on their profile. Also, it doesn't actually cost you anything to do this, so it's a good idea to always give all your friends the opportunity to share in your success.

Help a Stray

Another time it's good to post an announcement on your wall is when you receive the message that a stray animal has wandered onto your farm. You should always choose to help the animal find a home, but the only way to do this is to tell all of your friends that this animal is available for adoption. Most of them will be happy to have the opportunity to adopt the animals too, because they essentially get a money-maker for free. Most of the animals available this way are rare too, so these adoption messages may be the only way for your friends to get one.

Perfect Bunches

As you start to pick flowers, you'll start to collect perfect bunches that you can then give to your friends. Of course, you only have a limited number each time, so you'll have to post this type of announcement as well in order to enable your friends to collect your perfect bunches. Along these same lines, when you harvest eggs from your chicken coop, you'll occasionally find some mystery eggs to share with friends. The only way to share them, though, is to post the announcement, so this is one you should post also.

Posts to Avoid

Now that you have some idea of which announcements it's good to post, you can probably guess which types of posts are not particularly wise or welcome. Posting status updates whenever you reach a new level, for example, is not really a good idea. It does not benefit anyone, but merely takes up space on your friends' profiles. And essentially, that's the best rule to follow - if your friends get something out of it, post it. If they don't, keep it to yourself.

I hope you enjoyed these Farmville Tips, for even more check out my Farmville Secrets blog NOW!

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Why Are Online Flash Games Exceedingly Popular?

Online games are not just tools for entertainment. Some of these games can aid in improving your knowledge, understanding, mental alertness and brainpower. Some are purely action ones while some others are puzzle games that pick your brain. Playing online games has several advantages. First of all, they are not too costly and secondly, playing multi-user games online aids greatly in social networking too.

The variety of such games available these days is simply astonishing. New games enter the scene on hordes on a daily basis. While most games are oriented towards children and adolescents, there are many brain teaser games and mental skill tests that are suitable for grown ups too. In addition to being a tool to pass leisure time, they can be played for short durations between work schedules. They would thus lighten up your mental strain and refreshes your brain.

Racing games and other action flash games are very well received by the adventurous while more serious ones are good for professionals and older people. They are not time-wasting tools, but they actually help you to sharpen your reflexes and knowledge.

The advent of online gaming has elevated the popularity of flash games to a different plane. Earlier, they had to be bought as a compact disk from a local vendor at exorbitant prices. Now, you can have any game of your liking through just several mouse clicks. Along with the advancement of flash technology during the last few years, the number and complexity of flash games also has improved. It is likely that the popularity of online flash games would continue to be high for many years to come.

If you are looking for more about Online Flash Games then feel free to visit

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Chess Game Online

The best chess experience for the chess lovers' globally undoubtedly is the World Chess Championship. All the greats of the game have come out through this competition, controlled by FIDE. To pave your success in the great royal game of chess one has to prove in all these standard parameters of the game. 1845 saw the rise of the concept of the term 'World Champion' in the prestigious world of chess competitions.

The excitement and competitive feeling amongst the participants attracted the attention of the chess fans towards these matches rapidly. With a very glorified past and a promising future chess is one of the best adored games in the world. It is often attached with the technique of sharpening brain, and is among one of the oldest skill games of the world. A good chess player is often attributed with a good capability of decision making.

In this world of World Wide Web we want everything in our finger tips, even the experience of playing with the greats of the game virtually. There are many prevailing sites in the web world that provides you with an online playing experience with grandmasters even. But maximum of them just gives you a basic environment of easy playing experience for beginners and casual play.

Best of the budding players brushes up their chess playing skills through such sites. These sites are well developed in such a way to give the closest experience to a player which he can feel while playing with an international player. There is Rybka and Shredder chess, two very powerful online chess playing software. One of the most featured among all this kind of sites is World Chess Champions, which due to its class and features is in the top of the sites for the game of 'Chess' and the world chess champions. You are sure to have the best of the deal when you are in this site.

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