Monday, December 14, 2009

FarmVille Secrets

Anyone who spends any period of time on FarmVille knows how many chances there are to post announcements to your profile. Any small accomplishment in the game will prompt you to announce your progress to all of your friends. It's easy to see how this can fast become annoying, both to friends who play the game and to those that do not.

However, there are times when it's important to post announcements to your wall in order to help out fellow players. Only posting the helpful messages also will make it easier for your friends who are playing to find the bonuses you're trying to share with them. But which messages should you post? It's actually easier to figure out than you may think.

Sharing the Wealth

There are several times when you'll be asked if you'd like to Share the Wealth. You'll typically get this type of message when you earn a ribbon, although there are some other occasions as well. Any time you get this message though, you'll want to post to your wall and your friends' profiles. That's because your friends will only be able to get the bonus celebrating your ribbon if they can see it and click on the link on their profile. Also, it doesn't actually cost you anything to do this, so it's a good idea to always give all your friends the opportunity to share in your success.

Help a Stray

Another time it's good to post an announcement on your wall is when you receive the message that a stray animal has wandered onto your farm. You should always choose to help the animal find a home, but the only way to do this is to tell all of your friends that this animal is available for adoption. Most of them will be happy to have the opportunity to adopt the animals too, because they essentially get a money-maker for free. Most of the animals available this way are rare too, so these adoption messages may be the only way for your friends to get one.

Perfect Bunches

As you start to pick flowers, you'll start to collect perfect bunches that you can then give to your friends. Of course, you only have a limited number each time, so you'll have to post this type of announcement as well in order to enable your friends to collect your perfect bunches. Along these same lines, when you harvest eggs from your chicken coop, you'll occasionally find some mystery eggs to share with friends. The only way to share them, though, is to post the announcement, so this is one you should post also.

Posts to Avoid

Now that you have some idea of which announcements it's good to post, you can probably guess which types of posts are not particularly wise or welcome. Posting status updates whenever you reach a new level, for example, is not really a good idea. It does not benefit anyone, but merely takes up space on your friends' profiles. And essentially, that's the best rule to follow - if your friends get something out of it, post it. If they don't, keep it to yourself.

I hope you enjoyed these Farmville Tips, for even more check out my Farmville Secrets blog NOW!

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