Monday, December 14, 2009

Maximizing Your Profits in FishVille

Profits In FishVille

When you're playing FishVille, there are a lot of ways to enjoy yourself. Even just watching the colorful fish you've raised and nurtured swim around can be a great reward for all the hard work you put into assembling your tank. You may not be in it for the money, and you might not even aspire to any form of aquatic domination. But even so, you'd be wise to pay attention to your profits in FishVille. Any time you sell a fish, you make more than you sold it for, but the size of that profit will vary considerably depending on the kinds of fish you wind up raising and when you decide to sell them.

Return On Investment

One way to make sure you're maximizing your profits in FishVille is to choose the fish you raise based on how much of a return you get on your initial investment when you sell them. This isn't always immediately obvious because, even though you may get a big chunk of change when you sell a particular fish, it may not actually be that much more than you paid for it to begin with.

In general, the higher the level that you need to achieve to unlock the fish, the greater the profits you'll get by selling it. This is not always the case, however, so it's important to evaluate the profitability of each fish as you unlock it and not simply assume that a new option is better than some of the others you've been using.

Earnings Per Hour

Another factor that you need to take into account when you're trying to increase your profits in FishVille is how much each fish will actually make you per hour that it spends in your tank. Again, it's important not to be fooled by fish that give you big chunks of coins when you finally sell them. If you're raising a type of fish that takes a long time to grow, you may actually be able to make more coins in the same amount of time by raising a fish that sells for less but that has a much quicker turn around time.

Time to Sell

But really, the most important way to make sure that you're maximizing your profits in FishVille is to wait until your fish are completely mature before you sell them. It can often be tempting to sell fish as soon as you can so that you can start raising new ones and because you want the coins now. But by waiting until your fish have reached their maximum value, you really cut down on the amount of profit you're able to collect from each one.

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